Watch this video and then, more importantly, go to the link below and read the posted comments. This may put a black eye on our faith, but we know that God will heal. What do you think this says about Christians? What's your role in all of this? Please post a comment and share your thoughts.
Unfortunately, we live in a sinful world. Men have always tried to do things their own way...denying God or in many cases making God in their own image. II Timothy 4:3-4 states, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachings in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths." That is exactly what these men are doing...arguing about who can go into their perceived "holy places". This is unfortunate as it maligns the name of Jesus and all those who are His followers.
Thanks Mike...really appreciate your thoughts here. I spent some time over there last year, it's interesting to watch each of them perform their own tradition. It is extrememly unfortunate and to be truthful, embarrassing. I hope you'll continue to check back in and share your thoughts.
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